Dominant area of applications of these complexes is the experimental research of fundamental features of natural and artificial magnets including the magnetic structures for novel technologies. Among them are, in particular:
- materials and nanostructures for spin-electronics and nano-electronics; |
- sensors of electromagnetic field (GHz and THz bands) and permanent magnetic field; |
- magnetic bio-objects; |
- materials for extra-high-frequency magnetophotonics. |
The results of the magneto-spectroscopic analysis can be used for developing spintronics/nanoelectronics, MRAM-storage devices for computer design, medical and technology microwave tomography, biophysical studies, etc.. |
À) Millimeter Waveband Cryomagnetic Radiospectroscopy COMPLEX
According to the
Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine N 665-p 27.12.2006 , the status of National Treasure (Property) of Ukraine was given to Millimeter Waveband Cryomagnetic Radiospectroscopy COMPLEX.
The COMPLEX is a set of three mutually integrated microwave radiospectrometers, operating in the millimeter wavelength band and in the wide temperature range:
1.The key unit of COMPLEX is the superlow temperature multifunctional magnetic radiospectrometer BURAN This radiospectrometer can be used to carry out the electron magnetoresonance investigations in the electronic structure of solids at frequencies 75-150 GHz, the temperature range of 0.3-150 K and magnetic field up to 7 T. The high-power ( 3He) closed-cycle refrigerator allows cooling down the open resonator with the specimen under study (volume of 200 cm3) to the lowest temperature within 30-40 min.
2.The Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) radiospectrometer KVARK Is a second component of the COMPLEX. It can be used for operating at frequencies of 20-40 GHz and temperature of 300-4.2 K.
3.The cryogenic radiospectrometer-dielectrometer TORNADO Is a third component of the COMPLEX. It provides the experimental study of structures with extremely small EHF-dielectric losses (tg <10-6) at frequencies 70-150 GHz in the temperature range 300-0.5 K. |
Main areas of fundamental researches, which are carrying out now (to the beginning 2008) with the COMPLEX are:
spin-dependent processes in magnetic nanostructures spintronics and nanoelectronics of GHz and THz frequency bands;
modeling of magnetophotonic crystals in the microwave band;
cryodielectrometry of substances having low microwave losses.
B) Two-Frequency Radiospectrometer-Relaxometer
The device is designed to study dynamical processes in electron and nuclear subsystems and to examine the distinctive features of their interaction at helium temperatures. The device offers quite high resolution, which allows to reach these goals. It can be used to determine spectroscopic constants of electron and nuclear spin subsystems in order to prognosticate physical properties of various paramagnetics, for inst,: polarized nuclear targets substances, diluted magnetic semiconductors, bio- objects, etc.
The main spectrometer performance characteristics are as follows:
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) frequency band: 120-130 GHz; |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) frequency band: 180-200 MHz; |
magnetic field range: 0-6 T; |
temperature range 1.7-4.2 K. |
C) Multifunctional Computerized Complex
Complex is designed to examine semiconductors by Hall-technique and ESR-method at 10 GHz band. As well a total internal reflection technique and induction technique could be realized in this device in the temperature band of 4.2-300 K. The complex can be used as a basis for tutorial works supporting lecture courses "Physics of semiconductors", "Surface phenomena in semiconductors", "Physics of magnets".
D) Measuring test-benches
They are designed to investigate the near- and far-field radiation zones with a view of optimizing the parameters of centimeter- and millimeter-wavelengths. They can be used to make high-performance small-size antennas for use in mobile communication facilities,
wireless short-haul communication.